Supporting the Local Community
At Shadwell Childcare we believe that it is important to work closely with those within our village community and we always try to use local businesses and providers.
We are lucky to work closely with Shadwell in Bloom who have recently helped us create a wonderful new outdoor space (The Rainbow Garden) We have flower beds where we have watched daffodils grow and are now waiting for the remaining seeds and bulbs we have planted to come up. We will also be planting our own strawberries and some vegetables to follow the changes from seeds to yummy snacks! To protect the growing plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables as they grow the children have made the most wonderful scarecrows who are all standing tall. The Shadwell in Bloom team also built a 5* bug hotel. It is truly amazing. The pull-out drawers allow children to change the materials we are using between the levels to see what other bugs and insects we can attract and as you can see it looks fantastic.

Our visits to St Paul's Church to learn about Christmas and Easter are always exciting with lots of singing and activities and we learn so much whilst in the beautiful building.
We also support the local village football team and love to cheer them on - Go Shadwell United! We understand a healthy lifestyle and enjoying sport from an early age is so beneficial and we are delighted to be able to help in supporting the local team.
We also take part in fundraising days such a Comic Relief and Red Nose Days. Not only do we raise money for wonderful causes but we have lots of fun too!
It is also important for us to support local teenagers with Duke of Edinburgh placements and work experience for college students ensuring we offer experience to a wide range of people.

Shadwell Childcare recently had the opportunity to celebrate the Queens Jubilee by taking part in the village scarecrow trail.
The children helped to design and create not one but 5 scarecrows! A beautiful Queen, princess, prince, knight and even a dragon.
The children did brilliantly and we are very proud to say we won the 2nd place award!

Ukrainian Summer School
At Shadwell Childcare we believe every child matters, including those that aren’t at our setting. We often work with other settings to provide support and to share practices to ensure all children receive the best care possible and equal opportunities.
We are delighted to share the news that Shadwell Childcare was able to offer support to a Leeds Council Summer school programme supporting Ukrainian children new to the UK. Lili, originally from Ukraine, began working at Shadwell Childcare early in 2022.
Once we heard of the project, we contacted the summer school and offered to support by agreeing to fund Lili to be a translator to the children and parents.
The summer school was a huge success and so many children benefited from the support. Feedback included:
“I want to thank the organizers and everyone who was with the children. Thanks to all teachers and translator! Thanks to a competent and professional organization, all the children were interested and comfortable…... Thanks a lot!”
“I want to thank you for organizing and allowing my children from Ukraine to be in your summer camp for these wonderful three weeks…… You gave them happiness and let them be children. We will always remember and be grateful to you for everything you do for Ukrainian children.
Thank you for your love and attention to our children! You were able to make them smile, have fun at such a difficult time for us!”
“Thank you again for such an amazing initiative for Ukrainian kids. Thank you again for the warm welcome and support Ukrainian families!”
We received the following feedback from the summer school for supporting the project;
Thank you very much for releasing Lili to help with the Ukrainian Summer School. Much appreciated……all went very well. Please give our huge thanks to Lili for her amazing work with children.
For Lili it was hugely positive experience for her professionally and personally.
Thanks to the Shadwell nursery for the opportunity to help my people and to Paula for recommending me for the Ukrainian school.
Those 3 weeks were very special for me ……………especially in such difficult time for Ukraine. I wanted to immerse myself as much as possible and help children feel needed and loved here in England. Moreover for me this time was very useful and joyful as I received lots of positive emotions which I was missing so much lately! I will definitely not forget this time. Thank you