The Nursery Day
Our Bluebell Room and Sunflower Room are a reflection of our idyllic surroundings. Both rooms are laid out according to the needs of the children but they maintain lots of similarities to ensure easy transition and consistency. Both room are run by highly experienced, highly qualified Room Leaders who are in turn supported by a passionate team of childcare practitioners.

Each day the children have a balance of routine, set activities and free play all based around the children's interests and needs. With access to the outside area every day regardless of weather we utilise the fabulous fields we have surrounding us as often as we can! We closely follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and use Development Matters to ensure that a play-based curriculum for children under five years is integrated in to our daily activities. This allows our children to explore and learn in an environment that is secure and safe and yet challenging whilst following all of their interests. .Both rooms are run by highly experienced, highly qualified Room Leaders who are in turn supported by a passionate team of childcare practitioners. Please note that the routine below is just a guide, we will always be flexible around the children and their play and interests and will adapt on a daily basis.

General structure of the Nursery Day
7.45 - 9.00... Open for Breakfast Club and full day nursery
9.00 - 9.20...School day nursery arrivals
9.20-9.30... Registration, Children's Show & Tell
(plus the exciting plans for the day!)
9.30- 11.40... Structured and free flow activities, snack, story time
11.40-12.30... Lunch, Circle Time
12.30 - 3.15... Structured and free flow activities, snack, story time
3.15 - 3.30... School day nursery home time
3.30-4.30...Out of School Club
(play, homework club, fun activities)
4.30-5.15... Light meal
5.15-6.00... Sports in the hall or play area
6.00... Close

Key Person
.When your child starts our nursery they are assigned to a member of staff who will become their Key Person. They work in partnership with you and your child, building up a caring and fun bond in which to observe and assist in your child's development and active learning. .
The Key Person meets the needs of each child in their care and responds sensitively to their feelings, ideas and behaviour and will observe them in their play so that they can plan future opportunities and experiences that best meet their needs and interests..
Your Key Person and the Room Leader will be looking forward to meeting you on arrival on your first day. Please do not hesitate ask them any questions that you may still have.

Our Learning Journal.
All children's development is tracked in line with Development Matters in accordance with EYFS and OFSTED requirements..
.Your Key Person will complete an online Learning Journey for your child showing their work and their learning progression. It's also an opportunity to show all of the fun times and interesting things that happen each day!.
The learning journey is available for you to see at any time through the Famly app. Journals are always more interesting if children bring in any photos or information from holidays, days out or family celebrations to share with us. Please either pass on any photos or drawings that you would like adding to the journal or upload directly to the app.estion? Drop us a Line! Or call 0113 265 9050