Home Support
Winter Guidance and Support
Please find below a link to a ‘Winter Tool Kit’ from Leeds City Council. This offers lots of advice and guidance and we hope you find it useful.

Healthy Body, Healthy Me Week - 20th - 24th March
‘Talk with me’
When Our theme for 2023…
Communication and language underpins all areas of learning and development for young children.
It is essential for communicating their needs, making friends and maintaining relationships, talking about their emotions and feelings, likes and interests, understanding about rules and boundaries, talking about themselves, their families and their experiences and learning about the world around them.
We took part in National Day Nurseries (NDNA) Heathy Body Happy Me week. We took part in activities that helped your child develop, learn and thrive through play. Every day had a unique theme with many activities unpinning the learning in a fun way. Please click the topic letter below to see all the fun we had!
A parent pack has been created to extend this development into the home environment, we hope you find it helpful and have lots of fun with the amazing activities.
Shadwell Childcare Video Updates--
We hope that you are keeping well during these trying times and are keeping safe. We have put together lots of ways for you and your children to keep in touch with everyone at nursery as we are missing you all very much.---
Safety and well being support---
During Covid-19 If you feel worried about the safety of any family member and you require immediate support, you must phone the police on 999 where they will do an emergency welfare check on the family.---
If you become unwell from the COVID-19 virus please call 111 for assistance and advice.
Further support and advice can be found for a range of subjects on the following website which you may find useful for you, your children and your family.
Please also find support on domestic violence and abuse on the below document.
Domestic violence and abuse support
-With warm wishes
Paula and the team at Shadwell Childcare