The Bluebell Room
The Bluebell Room is a spacious free flow room located in the main school playground which has provided care for 3-4 years olds for over 13 years ensuring children are school ready..
Bluebell is a free flow room for children aged between 3 and 4 years old and is the last room that your children will be in before they start their special journey into Big School. It is in this group that we concentrate on getting your children ready for school. Children are encouraged to participate in all areas of the room including planning of activities, snack preparation and tidying. Daily the children are introduced to letters and sounds in various activities and enjoy various topics which have been initiated by the them.
The children are prepared for school as they play amongst the noise and hustle of the school children at break times and as we encourage learning hygiene, self care and independence. We develop skills required within school such as sitting at carpet time for register and taking turns to listen to one another at circle time. This is a very exciting year for your child and the staff work closely with the local schools to ensure transition from nursery to school is as smooth as possible for both parents and children and we are here to support you all of the journey!

To incorporate learning experiences outdoors children are given the opportunity of free flow throughout the day in our wonderful new outside area complete with mud kitchen, wooden den, under cover stage area and a separate area for bikes and scooters! We have access to the school playgrounds and often use the large playing fields for welly walks and sports day and use the outdoor classroom for story time!
Our highly experienced Room Leader Toni is highly regarded by staff and parents alike. Toni is supported by Lucie Barron our SENDCo and moderator as well as a team of dedicated and highly experienced staff who have a natural enthusiasm for children and their happiness.